« L’adulte enroulé », c’est faire de la méditation en mode rouleau de printemps !
Cette nouvelle méthode de relaxation venue du Japon qui met mal à l’aise

Ce sont les makis (ces petites bouchées japonaises à base de riz et de poisson cru enroulés dans une feuille d'algue) qui ont inspiré cette nouvelle technique de méditation, made in Japan : l'otona maki, qui signifie littéralement "l'adulte enroulé" !
Cette technique est en plein essor au Japon, et peut-être qu'elle va débarquer en France plus vite que prévu.
Japan is well-known country, which famous with their own unique culture and traditional beliefs. But today, we want to show you about the uptrending and the latest fetish of one of their bizzare technique to release stress, known as "Otona Maki". Otona Maki, or ‘adult wrapping’, is a Japanese therapeutic method of correcting posture and alleviating body stiffness by wrapping the human body in a large piece of cloth that emulates the comfortable feel of a mother’s womb. Well-known for their long work hours, many Japanese people develop posture problems and body stiffness. For a long time, getting massages and stretching have been the most popular ways of dealing with these issues, but now someone claims to have come up with an even better solution. Otona Maki is a new and intriguing way of improving posture and making your body more flexible than ever, while at the same time helping practitioners relax by recreating the comfortable feel of a mother’s womb. This procedure only takes about 15-20 minutes only. But despite Japan’s appetite for the bizarre, otona maki seems a bit too weird even for them. According to Kotaku, there is a lot of skepticism regarding the practice, at least on Japanese social media, with people comparing it to a mummification technique, or making references to Japanese horror films. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are several precaution before you start Otona Maki theraputic treatment. 1- Please wear track suits or suitable clothes. 2- Please wash your feet thoroughly, in order to remove the bad odour. 3- Please clean up your make-up or any cosmetic product to prevent it for staining the wrap cloth. 4- Please behave yourselves, and do not move freely because you may hit or collide with the other member. #No163 #NendoSeries265_MadokaKyouno #NendoSeries311_KanaMinami #NendoSeries596_AyumiOtosaka #NendoSeries601_IchinoseFutaba #NendoSeries611_Galko #NendoSeries639_AobaSuzukaze #GoodSmileCompany #Nendoroid #NendoroidPhotography #OtonaMaki_AdultWrapping #JapaneseTherapy ãThis photowork is based on fictional character. All rights reserved to the respective ownerã © Kitto Kitto Kontarou Photography
Une photo publiée par Kitto Kitto Kontarou (MY ð¦ð·ðð) (@kittokittokontarou) le 15 Janv. 2017 à 8h57 PST
Avouez que ça vous ferait bien bizarre d'entrer dans une salle de gym et de voir ces adultes en boule dans leur espèce de chrysalide en papier... Chelou !
Você conhece o Otonamaki? Traduzindo "empacotamento humano", a terapia vem ganhando cada vez mais adeptos no Japão. Cada sessão dura cerca de 20 minutos. O objetivo é amenizar problemas de postura e falta de flexibilidade ficando em trouxas imitando os movimentos dos bebês. #portalpepper #saúde #otonamaki #japão #flexibilidade #postura
Une photo publiée par Portal Pepper (@portalpepper) le 2 Janv. 2017 à 20h21 PST
En fait, chaque adulte se met en position foetale avant d'être enroulé dans un drap en tissu élastique et fin dans lequel il peut parfaitement respirer.
#Japonya'nın baÅkenti #Tokyo'da, #Otonamaki adı verilen yeni bir rahatlama terapisiyle bel ve sırt bölgesindeki rahatsızlıkların azaltıldıÄı belirtildi. YetiÅkin kundaÄı anlamına gelen Otonamaki metodu, terapiye katılanların beyaz bir file ile kundaÄa sarılmasıyla uygunlanıyor. A little girl is seen wrapped with a white cloth during a session called "Otonamaki", which means "adult wrapping" in Tokyo, #Japan. Otonamaki is a #Japanese #therapeutic method meant to reduce posture problems and stiffness. ð·:Richard Atrero de Guzman #anadoluajansi #anadoluagencyâ
Une photo publiée par Anadolu Ajansı (@anadoluajansi) le 31 Janv. 2017 à 1h38 PST
Dans ce cocon sombre et chaud, l'adulte se recentre naturellement sur lui-même et fait le vide. Une séance d'otona maki dure généralement entre 15 et 20 minutes et permet d'améliorer les problèmes de dos, le souplesse et de faire baisser le stress.
Et vous, vous êtes plutôt choqué et déçu par ce nouveau loisir (inventé par le professeur Nobuko Watanabe) ou est-ce que votre curiosité vous donne envie de le tester ?
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