Ces mises en scène photographiques vous feront voyager dans la Terre du Milieu avec Gandalf comme unique guide. Tenté(e) ?
Cet homme photographie des paysages néo-zélandais avec Gandalf comme guide

Quelle meilleure exploration que celle des magnifiques paysages de la Nouvelle-Zélande ? Probablement l'exploration de la Terre du Milieu avec Gandalf comme unique guide.
Après ses études, Akhil Suhas a organisé un road-trip néo-zélandais. Il a pris son sac, son appareil photo et un costume de Gandalf et a mis en scène ce personnage mythique dans les lieux qui ont inspiré les sagas cinématographiques Le Hobbit et Le Seigneur des Anneaux : réalisées par Peter Jackson et inspirés par les oeuvres littéraires de J.R.R. Tolkien.
Nous vous livrons une petite sélection des plus jolis paysages capturés par l'objectif !
1. Le Lac Wakatipu
soaking up that view #GandalfTheGuide
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Jul 27, 2016 at 1:15pm PDT
2. Glenorchy, Nouvelle-Zélande
exploring the flooded regions of Isengard with #GandalfTheGuide - did you know that the area around Glenorchy was the filming location of Saruman's stronghold in LOTR.
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Aug 21, 2016 at 12:21pm PDT
3. Le Mont Doom
A trip across middle earth is incomplete without visiting mordor (or what's left of it). Over the last 7 weeks, I covered a little over 5500 kms across the north island with #GandalfTheGuide. Now we're on the ferry, making our way to the south island. Really excitied to visit my bucket list locations instead of drooling over their pictures on instagram!
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Sep 26, 2016 at 12:08pm PDT
4. Le lac Marian
#GandalfTheGuide may have dyed his hair blonde (see it?) cos he wants to feel young again ð¤. Thoughts? if you're ever heading to Milford Sound, pop by Lake Marian en route cos it's beyond epic! Plus, you might run into cool people like @youngadventuress
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Jan 5, 2017 at 7:49pm PST
5. Les dunes de sable de Te Paki
#GandalfTheGuide reckons that middle earth (aka new zealand) has the most diverse set of landscapes given the size of the country - I agree. Here we are exploring the Te Paki Sand Dunes, which looks like you're in the middle of a desert ð
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Aug 18, 2016 at 12:21am PDT
6. Zone thermale de Wai-O-Tapu, Roturoa
geothermal wonderland w/ #GandalfTheGuide (security wouldn't let gandalf pass with his staff - oh the irony, so we had to improvise)
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Jul 22, 2016 at 1:45pm PDT
7. Les piscines bleues, Nouvelle-Zélande
contemplating a dip in glacial water huh gandalf? p.s. - for those wondering why there's a gandalf in some of my pictures, I thought it'd be cool for #GandalfTheGuide to show the bits of middle earth that dint make to the LOTR + Hobbit Trilogies (and revisit the ones that did make it)!
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Aug 24, 2016 at 10:55pm PDT
8. Gorge d'Hokitita
witnessing the turquoise water at hokitika gorge with #GandalfTheGuide has definitely been a highlight of our journey through middle-earth. a little while ago, @purenewzealand featured some snippets of my journey with gandalf on their facebook page, to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of ð³ð¿ being home to middle-earth. I tried linking it in my bio, but it wouldn't work - so head over to their facebook to see the photos (including some exclusive shots that I haven't posted here)
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Dec 14, 2016 at 8:05pm PST
9. Réserve marine de Te Whanganui-A-Hei
hold on to your wizard hat cos it's a tad windy at cathedral cove #GandalfTheGuide
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Aug 12, 2016 at 12:36pm PDT
10. Baie des îles
the winterless north with #GandalfTheGuide
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Aug 31, 2016 at 10:54pm PDT
11. Bonus - Te Arai Point
The Galactic Wizard, #GandalfTheGuide ð I can't tell you how long I've been wanting to shoot Gandalf with the Milky Way and it finally happened this morning when I went on a lovely mission with @trex.photography @talman & @poolsidepeople to Te Arai Point!
A post shared by photographer â³ new zealand (@akhilsuhas) on Feb 26, 2017 at 8:29pm PST
Pour continuer d'admirer le talent d'Akhil Suhas, vous pouvez retrouver son compte Instagram en cliquant ici.
N'hésitez pas à partager notre article pour émerveiller les fans des oeuvres de Tolkien ou les amoureux des voyages. Une autre destination à faire.
Vidéo bonus : 10 destinations à la fois éthiques et paradisiaques pour les vacances !