La cuisine, ce n'est pas simple. On le sait. Mais il y en a qui sont plus nuls que d'autres. Ce n'est pas dramatique, mais c'est drôle ! Voici les pires fails en cuisine !
1. Là, c'était moins une
Well, that was close! Preparing a salad can be dangerous... #closecall #bbq #cooking #cookingfail
A photo posted by AntZ (@pantzo84) on Jun 14, 2015 at 7:48am PDT
2. Cette situation bien trop connue
When things don't go your way. #kitchenfail #allthekingsmen #isthisanomen ?
A photo posted by Jason Nazario (@naz_rio) on Jul 24, 2014 at 3:48pm PDT
3. Et cette oeuf-xplosion délirante
Sometimes your brain just goes 💨
A photo posted by Sweet Erwyn's Baked Goods (@sweeterwynsbakedgoods) on Jun 11, 2015 at 4:37pm PDT
4. Cette faute qu'on mangerait bien
Sometimes your brain just goes 💨
A photo posted by Sweet Erwyn's Baked Goods (@sweeterwynsbakedgoods) on Jun 11, 2015 at 4:37pm PDT
5. Cette pizza parfaite pour ceux qui n'aiment que les croûtes
6. Ce cauchemar fluo qui a formé une baleine
Note to self: check the oven BEFORE you turn it on. 😖 Thank goodness dinner tonight could be eaten without baking it. It would have tasted MUCH better, though, had we baked it. Oh well. Now, to purchase a new microwave dish cover. 😳 #kitchenfail
A photo posted by 💚Mrs. Banks🌺 (@lboogie26) on Jun 7, 2015 at 7:28pm PDT
7. On oublie souvent à quel point c'est pratique, un ouvre-boîte
What happens when your crappy can opener breaks and you're mid-recipe. Oy. #wtf #FML #kitchenfail #ugetwhatupaidfor
A photo posted by @food4thoughtnyc on Mar 6, 2014 at 2:47pm PST
Rien ne va plus en page 2 !